Aging in Place now serves the entire city of Wilmington, NC.
All of our services are free.
We are a program of Comprehensive Care of Wilmington,
a non-profit organization in the State of North Carolina.

If you are over age 55, live in Wilmington, North Carolina and are beginning to think about life as a Senior, the AGING IN PLACE Program is meant for you. Regardless of your health, wealth, or type of home, you will be eligible to participate in this innovative program to help you remain in your own home as you age. We began our program in a limited area of downtown Wilmington. But today we serve seniors in the entire City of Wilmington.
AGING IN PLACE enables seniors to remain in their own homes with our service, called “Options Counseling.” We help you identify your current and future needs and assist you in accessing services that will keep you at home. We consider medical, mental health, social, homemaking, legal, technology, safety, home modification and maintenance, financial, nutrition, housing, and transportation factors that are crucial to aging in place.
We inform you of resources in the community and how to access them, and we even suggest ways to pay for them.
Please click on the buttons above for details on our programs and to find ways to help us.
____________________________________________ TUESDAY TALKS - A monthly series of free talks of interest to Agers in Place...
On the advice of State and County officials, we will suspend Tuesday Talks until we get the "all clear." Check back for further updates.
► 2020 - 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
► Main Library · 3rd & Chestnut Sts. · New Hanover Room
► FREE! Please RSVP: [email protected]
or leave a message at: 910-805-HOME (4663)
► Free 2 hour parking on the ground level of the deck on 2nd
Street entered between Chestnut and Grace Streets